Trademark Ragistration​

Trademark Ragistration

Classes of goods and services:

Before filing a trademark application, it is necessary to identify the classes in which you wish to seek protection for your trademark.

An application should be made in the relevant classes of current goods/services as well as in classes where there is intent to use. All goods and services are divided into 45 classes.

Trademark Process chart:

1. Search Report
2. Documentation Process
3. Power of Attorney
4. Affidavit
5. Notary of Affidavit
6. Application (e.g. ABC ™)
7. Reply of Examination Report
8. Hearing
9. Publish (Trademark Journal for 120 Days)
10. Registered (e.g. ABC ®)

Symbol of Trademark: TM 
Symbol of Registered Trademark:®